Haste Ye Back, We Loo You Dearly

Thinking tonight about sweet Grandma Ella, and honoring her for Mother's Day. One thing I will always treasure (and I know that others agree!) is how upon saying goodbyes, either in person or on the phone, she likes to say,
Haste ye back, we loo you dearly. Call again, you're welcome here.
What an endearing way to send a loved one on their way!

This is the first part of a song written by Robert Wilson, a host of the weekly BBC TV Scottish variety show The White Heather Club that ran from 1958 to 1968. Andy Stewart singing along with the cast at the show's end helped make the song popular.

The song continues...
May your days be free from sorrow,
And your friends be ever near. 
May the path on which you wander
Be to you a joy each day.
Haste ye back, we loo you dearly
Haste ye back on friendship's way. 

Ella and KF - June 2016

And here's Andy Stewart singing the tune:
