"That's Our Song" - No Other Love by Jo Stafford

When Ralph and Ella were married in March 1953, they were sure to include "their song" in the wedding reception festivities. Ella's friend Faye sang "No Other Love" by Jo Stafford. And that's still Ralph and Ella's song today!

On 22 November 2018, Thanksgiving Day, family was gathered at Ralph and Ella's home for a meal and family time. While mingling after the food, Ralph opened up the record player (a credenza-type unit in their living room, speakers built into the sides) and played some of their favorite LPs, including this song.

Ralph and Ella, holding an LP record of their song.
22 November 2018, at their home.

Ella says, "That's our song!" 
22 November 2018, at their home. (1:15 min)

Read more about the festivities of Ralph and Ella's wedding day, here.