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Ralph sharing a tickle and a laugh with great grandson GF. August 2012 |
Remember another one that isn't recorded here? Send it my way!
- Do you know what you get when you pick a pig's nose? Ham Boogers! (??? Ralph told this to a student during a stressful flying moment.)
- What did one strawberry say to the other strawberry? I’m worried about Mom...I think she’s in a jam!
- Did you get a haircut? No, I actually got them all cut! Or...Yes, can you tell which one?
- Do you know why they build a fence around cemeteries? Because people are dying to get in!
- Did you know that they won’t let anyone living in Bountiful (or wherever) be buried in (name a cemetery). Why? Because they’re living. You don’t bury living people.
- How does an elephant hide in the strawberry patch? He paints his toenails red!
- Ralph liked to remind folks about the importance of emphasis on the right word in a sentence when talking. His example was: “My, but you do a good job.” Or, “My butt you do a good job.”
- How did you sleep? With my eyes closed!
- How do you like your eggs? Cooked!
- If Ralph caught you yawning he'd say, "There's a nap for that!" (A play on "There's an app for that.")
- Ralph also had one about a young kid trying to teach his parent a computer skill. And the kid calls it an “ID-10-T” error...spelling “idiot."
- A bagpiper finished with his practice and had to run to the store. He parked at the store and proceeded to go inside, when he realized he forgot to lock his car doors - didn't want anyone to steal his pipes! So he rushed back to the car...to find that someone had put a second set of bagpipes in. (!)
- Why do bagpipers have large families? Because wives will do anything to get them to stop playing!
Filmed at Ralph's home on 27 November 2020. (Min 1:00)